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Monday, April 21, 2014

Track way Follow up!

The possible Bigfoot track way that I investigated last week has created such a roller coaster of emotions for myself. It started as thinking immediately they were human, to thinking they might be Squatch, to professionals saying they were human, to finally different professionals saying they were Squatch. I still don't know what to think. Short of Dr. Meldrum looking at my cast and telling me one way or another, I don't think I will ever know for sure!

I went back to the scene yesterday with my oldest son to show him, and to look one final time for any other potential evidence.  We started at the original starting point of the first investigation but quickly made our way to the spot where I ended. I probably shouldn't have gone because what was once a pretty open and shut case was now wide open again. I'm posting a picture of a track that I found. It was on the same trail as all of the others but where it differs is it shows what I believe to be toe nail marks. These aren't the type and shape of toe nails that you are picturing in your head. Please just look at picture below!

 This track was found in a really muddy area and the terrain changed to a slight upgrade and it's almost like these toe nails were used to gain traction. It was the only track like it and the next step was back to the same shape as all of the others that I saw.  I don't know what to think about it. It just created more questions than answers as far as I am concerned.

Since this was where I ended my original investigation, I wanted to follow the trail to see where these tracks would lead me. I was astounded when they veered off the well beaten trail to enter a little rise into the woods. I could see where the ground was matted down pretty heavily and several scuff marks where something slid stepping up the rise. I gently brushed some leaves out of the matted down earth and found what looked like toe marks and the impression of foot prints. They were not evident enough to warrant taking pictures but in my opinion they were there. Since I was not dressed appropriately for off trail hiking, I couldn't follow my suspected quarry through the brush. I backed out to the trail and continued down for several yards to make sure I didn't miss them continue down the trail but that was not the case.

One other thing to note, I did see some suspicious tree breaks and tree formations where I feel the tracks entered the woods. They were not fresh but very suspicious in nature. In hindsight I probably should of documented these but my son and I were getting dangerously close to being late for Easter dinner at my in laws. I would definitely rather face a mean Squatch than a po'd wife..lol

Ooops I almost forgot. I did find two other partial tracks on a whole different trail. They were both very discrete in nature. I took a picture of the one that looks like the "print maker" stepped on a piece of rigid plastic debris and embedded it into the ground. Happy Squatchin.....

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