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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Bigfoot in Delaware??

Sorry for my short hiatus friends. My youngest son had a baseball tourney in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. As always my mind is never far from Squatchland and while the family slept as I drove, I was noticing how Squatchy Delaware really looked. I couldn't believe how thick and impenetrable the woods looked. There were sections that a person couldn't enter the woods through. Could the State of Delaware be one big Sasquatch sanctuary?? I saw plenty of Whitetail Deer on my drive through so food shouldn't be an issue. I also noticed a bunch of fresh water in the way of ponds, lakes, and streams. So we have the three important factors for a great Squatch habitat, food,water,and cover. So why not Delaware??

BFRO Report 7771: Witness has late night sighting near Georgetown



This is a map of Sussex County where the majority of sightings in the State have taken place. To the North East is Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge and to the South West is Trap Pond State park. I suspect these two areas play an important role in the Delaware Squatch population. This map really shows the many freshwater streams that snake throughout the area. There were five total reports in the BFRO date base, but assume there are more experiences that go unreported. That's not too shabby for State that's never talked about in Bigfoot circles.


  1. You can't consider DE & its cypress swamp (which Biden wanted to make a Nat'l Park but ignorant, isolationist, incestuous locals opposed increased traffic from interlopers) without considering its continuation into MD, turning into the Pokomoke River and DENSE, mythic Pokomoke Forest. Most locals are deeply afraid of being too deep into it at the wrong time, routinely shoring their courage up with multiple firearms.
    My grandfather, born 1914 near Berlin, MD (southernmost portion of swamp), was an unusually smart, well-read man although poorly, traditionally educated - dropped out after being accused of cheating on an IQ test (VERY ADHD, to the last months of his life). I knew at a young age that if the ocean pulled back too far, RUN. I also knew that if out in the woods and suddenly enveloped in an overwhelming stench somewhere between skunk & BO, scream, yell & run for the nearest human. Can't say why he told me that, we didn't have bears, mountain lions, wolves, or even coyotes. I have no idea if it was based on something he read, stories he heard, or some experience from his youth.
    Someone who seriously wanted to research the possibility of Bigfoot on the Delmarva peninsula should look into the records of the 1st Eastern Shore of MD settlement on Kent Island. Personally, I think Bigfoot would be too smart to stay on a peninsula. But that means the strange, large tree interweaving I found off the beaten path at Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge in 2011 would have to be a hoax. Who knows?

  2. Delaware city 1998 govenor bacon, i was walking thru the wooded area above the bomb shelter. I looked down into a big circulat concrete pit. I saw a giant ape looking creature. It smelled awefull, it looked at me a big giant smile, and i screamed and ran for my life. 15 minutes later i returned with friends to show them. It was gone.
