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Monday, March 31, 2014

State of the "All things Squatch Blog" address

Hello all, just a brief post about the the blog and whats coming up in the near future. First things first, I created this blog for a central place to post some of the cool things I find out in the woods. Some of these are Squatch related and some are not. Any possible Squatch evidence I document will be posted on this blog for you to decide for yourself if it's real Bigfoot evidence or not. I will be the first to admit that I am not an expert. I have been fortunate to have some very awesome close encounters with what I believe to be Sasquatch or Bigfoot. I hope to be able to continue having these experiences and to be able to better document them so that I can share them with you. With that said I have the bare essentials as far as equipment goes. I don't have the state of the art night vision cameras or sound recording devices. That might be the reason why the Bigfoot are so comfortable being around me....they know they are safe. Either way I will try my best to get this evidence out there for you all to see.

Aside from my own evidence I will posting anything that I find cool from around the internet pertaining to Bigfoot. This might be older videos from you tube that I really enjoy, which I already posted a few of them. Or it might be an interview with someone I really respect like Jim Lansdale. If you haven't already listened to Jim's interview please check it out, it's wonderful! I could possible put some non Bigfoot related material on the site as well. If anyone has anything they would like to see on this blog please let me know. I'm very open to suggestions. This is as much of your place as it is mine.

One thing I will be very resistant to, is posting anything related to known hoaxers or hoaxes. I feel that there are enough blogs and sites that cover that type of garbage. I will not give the hoaxers any of my time and effort or the attention that they are obviously starving for. Enough said!

Now on a positive note. I'm super excited to have a couple guest bloggers in the upcoming weeks. The first gentleman is Christopher from Bigfoot Huntin Vids. He's an avid Squatcher and creative writer of Bigfoot comedy videos on you tube. His you tube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSHH8bVxuawWQmc6nZSzD1w
and hes going to give us some insight on how he got into Bigfoot research and started making his popular Bigfoot comedy videos.

This next gentleman is Wes aka Squatchyink  from Bombshell Tattoo in Northern California. Wes is a big time friend of the Squatch and a killer tattoo artist. Wes is gong to be spilling the beans on his passion for all things Squatch including some of his awesome Squatch related tats. Hit Wes up on Instagram at SQUATCHYINK .

Thanks all and Happy Squatchin.....

Marble Mountain video stabilized by M.K. Davis

Jim Lansdale Blog talk radio interview...awesome interview!


Jim's story is incredible and very much worth a listen!

Bigfoot 911 Call

Theory of Migration

Do Bigfoot migrate?? I guess if anyone knew for sure they would be well on their way to solving the mystery of Bigfoot. There are many folk on either side of the fence on the migration question. I myself can only make an educated guess (hypothesize) on the Bigfoot that inhabit the area that I investigate. Let me explain.

Over the past several years I have been making note of my own personal experiences as well other peoples accounts and specifically detailing the dates of these experiences. A definitive pattern has emerged from these observations. Any suspected Sasquatch activity, which ranged from wood knocks, tree breaks, screams, whistles, rock clacking, etc historically started somewhere in the month of June. What is interesting is this activity, from my own personal accounts and backed up by second hand reports, started slow in June, intensified in July-August and tapered the end of August to early September. So we have a classic bell curve of activity. Is it safe to assume that the reason for this bell curve of activity is caused by the Squatch just entering the area in June and vacating August-September??

My theory is this is most certainly the case! But why do the Squatch come and go?? Why at these times?? I'm guessing that the main reason they vacate the area in early Fall is because this is the start of hunting season in Pennsylvania. The beginning of September is the Dove season opener. Dove hunters typically don't hunt the deep forests where Squatch hang out but they do hunt the fringes and power line cuts that wind through Squatch territory. This increase in human activity coupled with the gun fire associated with Dove hunting, could quite possibly be the trigger for a mass exodus of Squatch from the area. One other factor to take into account is the natural thinning out of good cover in the Fall and Winter months. Here in Pa the woods open up quite a bit and areas that were once thick with vegetation are now as open as football fields. Squatch like most shy creatures need ample amounts of security cover and will travel great lengths to find it. I'm thinking it is this combination of more hunting, less cover that is the answer for their departure.

But where do the Squatch go? There is a farm approximately 15 miles from my research area that has a very documented history of Bigfoot sightings and activity. This property is chalk full of the winter security cover that not only the Bigfoot crave but also one of their major sources of protein, the Whitetailed Deer crave. But most importantly it has a no hunting or no tress passing policy. Can you say Squatch sanctuary!?! I think the Squatch head to this property to hole up for the winter, most likely meeting up with other Squatch family units from surrounding areas. There are many areas all over the state that this scenario can be duplicated. Enough to protect the breeding population of Pa Bigfoot.

By Spring the Bigfoot have probably had enough of each other and they start dispersing. But it cannot be too early because Pennsylvania has a turkey hunting season that runs till......JUNE 1!!Noticing a pattern here? There are probably many reasons where a family group of Squatch choose to hang out for the summer. A good water source, steep terrain, thick security cover, and natural caves are all important factors I believe to be desirable to a Squatch family unit. I think they will tolerate some human intrusion at this time of year because they are able to hide and evade better now than in the Winter months.

So in closing I guess the Bigfoot in my area do technically migrate. I would have to think that if you closed this particular property down to all travel and all hunting that the Squatch just might stay in the area over winter. There are ample amounts of food and cover (caves) to hold them over till Spring. But until that happens I will never know for sure. Happy hunting....

Friday, March 28, 2014

Danger in the woods

Anyone who enjoys the outdoors knows what ticks are. They are those tiny little bugs that resemble spiders. Sometimes they are so small that you don't even see them until they are attached to you and engorged on your blood. If your anything like me the sound of that makes your skin crawl. I absolutely hate bugs that bite....mosquitos, ticks, fleas, the whole gamut of them.

As a kid growing up I hardly ever heard the word tick, let alone seeing one. And it wasn't for a lack of effort. My brother and I lived in the woods! If we weren't at one of our many sporting events, we were hanging out in our fort in the woods.

 As a young adult I took up turkey hunting. I loved the sport and I loved the new reason to be in the woods. Unfortunately that's where I had my first introduction to ticks. I would hunt all morning, go home, shower, and grab lunch only to find one crawling on my arm, or some other part of my body. I guess I was lucky or maybe just too sour for them because I never.....knock on wood.....had one bite me. After a few years of dealing with these things I found myself not enjoying the sport as much. I was always looking to see if there was a tick crawling on me. It wasn't long and I stopped going all together.

Fast forward a few years and couple of kids later I find myself looking at an attached tick on my youngest sons head. We were panicked to say the least. What do we do? Is he going to have Lyme's disease now? Should we take him to the emergency room? These were all the questions my wife and I were asking ourselves. So I did what any other person of this day and age would do, I Googled it! After what seemed like an eternity I found some useful information about how to remove ticks.

From everything I have read it is very important NOT to put Vaseline, nail polish remover, a lit match or any burnable utensil you can think of on an attached tick!!  The bacteria, and virus that live inside a tick reside in its digestive system. The process of a tick backing out of it's host involves regurgitation of some of the blood in its digestive system back into the host. Putting Vaseline on an attached tick will get it to back out but you also will getting some of your possibly contaminated blood back. Best option is to use tweezers and grab tick as close to the persons skin as possible and gently pull it out. Depending on how long the tick has been attached it might come off easy or it might take a little more effort. Be careful not to crush the ticks body. After removal clean the area with rubbing alcohol, peroxide or triple anti biotic. Its not uncommon for part of the tick to break off in the skin. In this case a visit to the Dr. is in order. We had my sons tick sent to a lab and checked for Lyme's, which it did not.

After my sons encounter I was on a mission to not let these things ruin my love of being in the woods anymore! I read everything I could get my hands on about them. I came across an article in a hunting magazine about tick repellant. They did a test on DEET vs. Permethrin . They sprayed a strip of cloth with both chemicals and then put a tick on each. The tick on the DEET walked directly off the cloth strip. The tick on the Permethrin treated cloth attempted to walk and died within seconds. Boom....I had my answer.

I found a product that had Permethrin in it and I gave it a try. I followed the directions and applied to my clothes. I headed to the woods and busted through the brush. I looked down at my jeans and almost had a heart attack. I had at least 100 ticks on me. I had to fight the urge to swat them all off of me. I composed myself and I watched them by the dozens fall of dead within 30-45 seconds. The product worked and I have been using it since. I had a tick on my jeans the other day and it died with 15 seconds. If used properly it is 100% guaranteed. Below is the product and its made by REPEL. www.drugstore.com is the cheapest place I found it. Its $5.99 a can and the places around here sell it for $9-$10 a can. Happy Squatchin....

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Report your sightings!

If you or someone you know has had a Bigfoot sighting or has had some type of strange activity that you suspect might be Bigfoot related, and you live in Western Pa I would be very interested to hear your story. All names and locations will be kept totally confidential!!! Please contact myself at squatchinluver@gmail.com

Stick structures

I'm posting some pictures of some stick formations from my foray into my area on Sunday March 23. I'm NOT saying they are made by Bigfoot but they are very suspicious in nature. I know that the wind and bad weather can cause trees to fall in some weird manners. I also know that people walking in the woods can and do mess with sticks and logs. With that said, I'm finding these in some very remote areas, far away from normal foot traffic. As unlikely it is for people to be in these areas I cannot rule out the possibility. So I'm throwing this out there for you all to decide for yourselves.

North American Bigfoot: Bigfooting in Pennsylvania, 2010

North American Bigfoot: Bigfooting in Pennsylvania, 2010: Bigfooting in Pennsylvania Slideshow Just when I thought my summer bigfooting excursions were over, I received a call from bigfooting col...

The beginning.....A Squatcher is born

Hello my name is Scott aka Squatchinluver. I'm just going to come clean and admit this right off the bat.....I was scared to death of Bigfoot when I was a kid!! Every time Patty, of Patterson/Gimlin fame would come on the TV, I would make a hasty retreat to the safety of my bedroom. My Dad and younger brother always thought this was hilarious. They would intentionally try to find Bigfoot shows without my knowledge and watch my reaction. Love my family.... But when other kids were having nightmares of the boogyman, scary clowns, or vampires, I was having nightmares of Bigfoot. I had my Dad up in the middle of the night so many times insisting Bigfoot was in my closet. So I guess I got the last laugh on my old man!

As I got older and matured (puberty) I started embracing the subject of Bigfoot. I read everything I could on the subject. I was no longer petrified of Bigfoot but more intrigued. One of the first books I read was "The Boy Who Saw Bigfoot" by Marian T. Place. I absolutely loved the book and I can still feel the same feelings I felt reading it as a young boy. After that book it was anything and everything I could get my hands on. You can imagine my excitement when the 6 Million Dollar Man episode came on featuring the Big Fella. I also enjoyed Harry and The Henderson's and it was comforting thinking that Bigfoot could actually be a nice, passive being. I also enjoyed "In Search Of" with Leonard Nimoy and the countless documentary type shows on Patty. What self respecting Bigfooter wouldn't have "The Legend Of Boggy Creek" on their list of favorites?!?!

With High School, College, and starting a family my passion for all things Squatch had to be tempered. There were duties and responsibilities that I had to attend to that realistically were more important. That didn't mean I couldn't still read an occasional book or catch a show on Tv but my mind and heart had to be in other aspects of life. I love my family and they are my whole world and it's so fitting that they indirectly would play a part in my future Squatching life.

My whole Squatch education was books, T.V , shows, etc, as mentioned earlier. I didn't have the luxury of the internet when I was growing up. So my whole mind set in relation to Bigfoot was that they live in the Pacific Northwest....period! Never in a million years could I ever imagine they could be in other States let alone in my state of Pennsylvania! Never did I read a book or watch a TV show that was based in Ohio or Pennsylvania or New York. It was always Washington State, Northern California, or Oregon. So that was my mind set until three years ago.

I have three sons. Anyone with kids know how this routine works. You become "friends" with the parents of the kids that your kids are either A) friends with or B) playing sports with at the time. The sports one is tricky if they play several different sports in a year like mine. We could have the football team parents over one night and the next night it's the wrestling parents. Anyway, we were invited to one of the friends parents house one night for some corn hole (corn toss) and drinks. The host begins to tell me about two of his buddies who had an encounter with Bigfoot. To say I was floored would be a drastic understatement! My mind was racing a million miles a minute. But Bigfoot doesn't live in Pa! I want him to...but the books never said he does! But if he does I can go look for him! You can see my thinking...lol I had to meet these guys and get to the bottom of this.

After several weeks of trying I finally meet these two guys. One guy is an ex military type seemed genuinely like a nice guy and the other was a cop from a local city. They tell me their story and if my jaw wasn't on the ground I would be shocked! They had not only one but TWO Squatch full blown screaming less than 100 yards away from them. They said the sound was incredibly loud and shrill like, with a touch of primate. One would scream to the front left and the other would respond to the front right of the men. This went on for a minute or so and then silence. The last thing they heard was a loud thump.  Both men are experienced outdoorsman and they have never heard screams like that before or since. After waiting a half hour or so they had to go investigate. This was not an easy task and they had to climb a shear hill side to get to the area of the screams. First thing they found was a big stump that had been picked up and placed approximately 10ft from where it was originally. The second thing they saw almost sent them to their knees......an 18" track!

Needless to say they were a little shook up so they vacated the area immediately. Several days had passed and after having time to ponder the events they went back with casting materials. The track after several days had deteriorated a little and was not as perfect as it could of been had it been cast on the day it was left. But they had a Bigfoot track cast. After several more days they felt comfortable enough to share their story with a friend. This friend had a connection in the film business who contacted Matt Moneymaker, the president of the BFRO or Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization. Matt is a heavy hitter in the field of Squatch and he boarded a plane for Pennsylvania. He spent around 5 days setting camera traps and looking for sign. He gave the men a lot of useful tips and tactics for looking for Bigfoot. Matt shared with them that there are Bigfoot for a fact and they are in a lot more places than just the Pacific Northwest. And with this new found information a Squatcher was born...