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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Bigfoot and fishing

I was reminded of an old possible Bigfoot encounter during a conversation with a gentleman on Facebook earlier. Not only did I have a nice chat but I also got a new topic for a post!

It was probably close to five years ago. I was into reading some Bigfoot stuff but I wasn't hardcore into it yet. I was still in that stage of not even thinking that they existed outside of the Pacific Northwest. I was also still a few years away from discovering the BFRO data base, and I was very naive about the subject of Bigfoot. So here it goes....

I was fishing with my three sons, one of their friends, a buddy of mine, and his son. We were pulling an all nighter for Catfish. We had lanterns lining the shore and chairs, coolers, the whole nine yards. We were having a grand ol time. I'm guessing it was around 1-3 am and I have to take a pee. So I head away from the lake to where I parked my truck to check on my little guys before I go. The boys typically would make it a few hours before they ate all the snacks and fell asleep. So I check on them and then head into the woods a bit to relieve myself. I started to go when I heard heavy bipedal footsteps walking down off the hillside towards me. Whatever this thing was it didn't try to mask it's steps in any way. It was loud and it was also making what I can only describe as a pig sounding grunt as it walked. It was making this sound with every step it took and was very loud. I liken it to what a pack of wild pigs would sound like. So I'm trying to get done peeing and I know half of it is on me, and just as I'm finishing this thing is on me. It stops dead in it's tracks at roughly 20 yards and is totally silent! I'm standing there in the dark trying to decipher what the heck this thing is. I don't hear or smell anything. After several minutes of this stand off, it starts walking back in the direction in which it came. I really can't remember if it was making that grunting sound on it's retreat or not.

Like I said earlier I never knew Bigfoot was in Pennsylvania so that never crossed my mind. If it wasn't for the bipedal sounding footsteps I would of chalked it up to a wild hog. I also did some research on the park and there isn't supposed to be any feral hogs in the area. Bigfoot or not?? I guess we will never know.

Above is an areal photo of where the event happened. The X is where I was standing and the line was the path that the mystery "grunter" took. The road is actually a lane to get back to the lake and isn't a main road. One other feature of note is the power line cut away paralleling the road. Its really big woods in this area with plenty of farm land. I checked the BFRO data base and there is one report that is not too far from here. You can check it out herehttp://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=3550  Happy Squatchin....

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