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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Bigfoot shelter??

Headed to the area Sunday afternoon to check the gifting site (the balancing rock with gum) and to check on a bait station. The bait station had a jar of peanut butter hanging about ten feet off the ground with a trail camera watching. I pulled the trail camera last week after a couple of months of absolutely nothing being caught.  My test was to see if they stayed away from the peanut butter because of the camera. If they hit the bait without the camera then it would it be safe to assume the camera IR is a deterrent for them??I'm not 100% sold on this theory yet and I want to conduct my own experiment. As of right now I think they have just been plain lucky not to get caught on camera. With their smallish population and the extremely large area of operations this would make more sense to me.

I stopped by the gifting site and was a little disappointed that nothing was changed from the previous week. The two pieces of gum were still tucked under the rock and the arrow remained unchanged. So I sat on a log and pondered my next move for a while. I enjoy just sitting and listening to the sounds of the woods. This also can be an effective technique for getting Squatch to come to you and check you out. Soon enough I started to get that feeling. It's hard to describe, but I will try to describe anyway. It's an uneasy feeling like someone is sneaking up on you. You can't get comfortable and your constantly looking behind you, and actually looking all around. I played this out for a while hoping that if my senses were correct I could catch a glimpse of whatever it was causing this effect. I see nothing and I get up and start making my way in the direction of the bait site. The feeling was still there but you can manage it a lot better when your on your feet and on the offensive.

One thing I must add is that when I'm in the woods off trail I keep my movements slow and deliberate. It's similar to a still hunting fashion. I take a couple steps, stop and scan the woods. This area is very thick with vegetation right now and it can make it very hard to see a Squatch but it can also help hide you from them. I know others will scoff at that premise but there are a bunch of sightings where people have stumbled upon a Squatch at close range. I'm not stumbling, I'm sneaking!

Back to the story though. I started my slow walk toward the bait station. It's probably a half mile or so from where the gifting site is. In my stealth mode walk I probably only went fifty yards in twenty minutes still on high alert to whatever was out there causing my uncomfortableness (<----<< yes I used my made up word again). When suddenly an extremely large crash like a tree crashing or large limb falling to the ground. It sounded like whatever it was, was buffered by the under growth on the forest floor. I almost messed my pants! I could only see twenty yards before an impenetrable wall of bright green plant growth and the crash came from on the other side of that.

I naturally stopped in my tracks for a while. I looked, listened, looked, and listened some more, and looked some more...lol Waiting for something else to happen but nothing came. So I slowly maneuvered to where the noise came from. At my slow pace it took me another twenty minutes to trek the fifty-sixty yards or so. For the life of me I couldn't find an limb, or tree that could of made that loud noise. What I did find was, aww look for yourselves.....

It is so hard to tell in pictures but there is some intricate craftsmanship going on here.The main horizontal frame is supported, purposely, by strong vertical supports. There are a bunch of saplings that are intentionally bent into the structure. Lastly, the sticks on top are interwoven with each other in a grid like manner. The whole structure has a "lean to"  feel to it. Like you would build in a survival situation.There was a void underneath that you could crawl under. It doesn't look to be completed by any means and the saplings look to be freshly bent into the frame. Could I possibly of  interrupted the builder and thus got a warning limb crash?? You tell me..

Oh one last point. I hope you can tell by the few pics and the blurriness of the one pic that I was a hair rattled by what was going on. My senses were on overload status! I even emailed my confidante' in Squatchin Mike Brookreson from the woods and asked if I was in mortal danger...lol

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