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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 4, 2014 Notes

Hey all it's the prodigal son of Squatch world! Remember me?? Some of you know that I have been extremely busy with my oldest sons graduation party which was last weekend and his ceremony this Friday. In a addition to that we are preparing for his college departure and smaller household size by MOVING! Ugghhhhh!! With all that fun recently I did manage to sneak out into the woods yesterday.  If your familiar with this blog you would know that I wasn't in too big of a rush to get into the woods until after June 1 anyway. But if not read this and you'll understand http://squatchinluver.blogspot.com/2014/03/theory-of-migration.html

My first mission into the woods in early spring I found this rock. It looks pretty ordinary but what is odd about it is the two other rocks on top of it. The larger of the two is balancing on the other. I have a hard time believing that this was just happen stance. Also this isn't in an area where people would frequent so I don't "think" humans did it. The big factor for me thinking it might be Squatch related is all the stick structures in the vicinity of this rock. When I came upon it and started surveying the area it almost looked like an area where they would hang out and do whatever it is they do during the day.

These are some of the odd stick thingys I find. There are a ton more but I already posted a bunch in earlier blogs and quite frankly I'm not taking hundreds of pics of the same phenomena. The pic directly above is a grape vine strand maybe 2' long that was draped over a limb and had these little strands resting on a small piece of protruding bark. Grape vines are hard to break and I don't even have a clue how it could happen naturally.

As you can see on the rock picture above, there is a decent sized void under the bigger rock caused by the smaller rock being wedged under the one end. I tucked a piece of gum....still inside foil wrapper....way up under the larger rock. I also made an arrow out of sticks pointing in the direction of the gum. I'm going to include a before and after picture of this arrow but the before picture was taken yesterday.I made a replica just for illustration purposes.

The picture on the right is the before, less the rocks which I just added yesterday and the picture on the left is what I found when I arrived yesterday.I probably checked this five or six times up until mid April and there was no change. Oh I forgot to mention the gum is GONE! The above grape vine was a new addition to this site and was a few feet away from this rock. So is it safe to assume they are back??

I had a bait station in another area with a full jar of peanut butter hanging high in a tree. I also had a trail camera facing the peanut butter but got zero in the way of Squatch pics.....not shocked about that one! I have had that set up for probably two months with nothing messing with the PB. I pulled the camera yesterday to see if this might get them to take it. I will check next week. See the jar hanging in the background? I had this camera on the ground against a huge rock with moss covering it to make as inconspicuous as possible. The jar is probably 10' off the ground.
This is the creek bottom below the power line that I posted in previous posts. Just across the creek and up the other side is the "Black Timber" as I like to call it. I resembles the black timber of Colorado but probably not as vast. I sat for probably a half hour or so and I heard heavy footfalls at one point but the rushing creek water made it impossible to pin point direction. I started to get the "Spidey Sense" for a little bit and I couldn't shake that feeling that something was behind me. I eventually got up and walked the creek banks looking for tracks. I crossed the creek and walked through the black timber in the direction of where I thought the footfalls went. After walking a bit I lost that " feeling" and hiked out of the bottom. Below is a look at the black timber. It stays pretty cool on this north facing slope and I would imagine the Squatch use it for that reason This is also the spot that we heard a schrill scream one night.

 I also found this huge rock with a nice dirt bowl shaped spot behind it. Someone could hang out there and not be seen in any direction but also still observe the small creek below.

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