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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Night investigation

Hello friends!

 A little update on the Squatchin investigations. I went out Friday evening by myself for my first night investigation of the season. I packed in and made camp just before dark in the area of the power line. The same spot that I heard the loud crash last week and had the one playing cat and mouse with us a few years ago. It truly was a nice and comfy set up in a small clearing in the middle of some thick forest. I could see the openness of the power line about a hundred yards away from where I was at, but the woods were really dark well before the sun went down.

It took me about an hour to get set up and I made a lot of racket breaking sticks and such for the fire. This was by design because the reality was I was advertising my presence and location to the local Squatch. The whole time I was preparing the site it seemed every bird in the woods were talking around me. In the back of my mind I thought to myself about eye witness accounts stating how eerily quite the woods were during their encounter. I would use the noisy birds as an early warning system to alert me to the presence of an inquisitive Squatch.

I put the finishing touches on my base of operations and sat down when suddenly the woods went absolutely silent. I tried to write it off as the birds going to bed but there was still a half hour left of light. Then a a stick break behind me....then another....a few minutes later...and another as something circled the perimeter of my zone.The light of my fire gave me a ring of light approximately 20 yards circle of lighted visibility around me.. I could see shapes and such another 20 yards past this without the light from the fire. Whatever it was, walked just on the outside of this last zone of sight. I got that "feeling" of fight or flight that you only get when they are around. I fought it off and tinkered with my phone trying to pretend that I wasn't bothered by the feeling.

About ten to fifteen minutes passed and the feeling was gone. I no longer heard anything and the hair on my neck took it's normal position of laying down instead of up. I threw some wood on the fire and browsed the internet on my phone and waited...for what I wasn't totally sure. An hour or so went past pretty uneventfully when suddenly  BOOM! That dang electric feeling and the hair on my neck was fully erect again. I could occasionally hear a twig snap on the outer perimeter of my zone. Something was checking me out....again!

This time it didn't go away and I was feeling very uncomfortable. I am at a severe disadvantage without FLIR or similar night vision capabilities. With that in mind maybe they know or can see the IR light emanating from such devices. That might be one of the reasons they have come so close to me and others in this area. Whatever the reason, it was here and checking my location out. It was a half hour or so and I could still feel it's presence. On one hand my mind is saying chill out and enjoy the experience, and the other hand is saying dude there is an 8' tall something watching you right now.....RUN!!

I decided to calmly pack up and head out. I properly extinguished my fire, and returned my area as close to normal as possible.  During this process I could hear some small sticks snap as whatever it was evidently tried to get a better view of what I was doing. I doubt if a bear or deer would be that inquisitive. I remained calm and cleaned up in a matter of factly manner and slowly vacated the woods.

I felt that I got the experience that I was looking for. Until your in their presence you have no idea what I am talking about. I know I sound kinda wimpy but I can assure you I have spike camped alone in the mountains of New Mexico and Colorado and have hunted alone in Kansas and Pennsylvania. I have spent a ton of time in the dark woods and mountains and never was spooked or had a similar feelings like I do when they are close.They project a fear onto you and I have said this before it's almost paralyzing. It's a battle within myself that I have to overcome. Other researchers go alone all the time and don't have any issues and I eventually will too. Happy Squatchin....

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