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Friday, April 25, 2014


This is a guest post by a gentleman who is a wealth of information on the subject of Sasquatch. I am not exaggerating when I say this, he's an encyclopedia of Sasquatch information! He's a major contributor to the comment section of Shawn Evidences blog site and his persistent fight with the skeptics on that site has won myself and many others over as huge huge fans. I am honored that he took the time to write this piece for us. I personally think this post should be published in a science journal or something that's how good it is. So without further ado I present to you Relic Hominids & Giant Weapons by Joe Fitzgerald

According to Native American legends, Sasquatch were referred to as another tribe of people who understood how to use fire and have used various tools over the ages such as primitive forms of baskets. The Basket Ogress; a marauding giant common to the folklore of many Northwest Coast tribes, caught and carried people off in her enormous pack basket to eat them in her lair. It was seen as fortunate for many that she was slightly stupid and there are legends that tell of the occasional escape of her prey. There are some Northwest Coast legends where Basket Woman has a great mythological importance. We also have settler's accounts from 19th century printed media that tell of club wielding wildmen. Here is a link to one of D L Soucy's newspaper reports of the Grand Canyon from 1903, where a report of a wildman with a club is discussed;

There are researchers like Jim Vieira that have come across similar printed news media documenting the excavation of countless native American burial mounds where giant skeletons with giant tools and sometimes even weapons like giant hand axes were uncovered;

"South of San Luis Obispo in 1833 some soldiers discovered during excavations a skeleton 3.65 metres long surrounded by worked shells, heavy axes of stone and boulders covered in unintelligible writing.

About 60 miles Northwest of Santa Barbara soldiers digging a pit for the storage of gunpowder broke through a layer of cemented gravel and found a 12 foot human skeleton surrounded by carved shells, huge stone axes and blocks of porphyry covered with unintelligible symbols. The skull had double dentition, a double row of teeth on both upper and lower jaws. When local Indians started attaching religious significance to the find the authorities ordered it secretly buried. The giants discovered at Clearwater in Missouri also had double dentition. The giant was identified as male.

A giant skeleton was found surrounded by worked shells, heavy stone axes and boulders covered in unintelligible writing. This giant must have been one of the legendary Chumash race who inhabited the islands off the coast here as well as the mainland."


When considering the Australian Yowie there is a fascinating account of The Wildman of Monaro...

(you can find this among other historical accounts here; http://www.davesact.com/2013/01/canberra-yowies-historical-perspective.html?m=1)

... that tells of a sighting of a gorilla-type being holding what appeared to be a nulla-nulla; this is an Aboriginal war/hunting club. Interestingly, we come across similar reports of giant weapons & tools being discovered in Australia;

"In old river gravels near Bathurst, NSW, huge stone artifacts -- clubs, pounders, adzes, chisels, knives and hand axes -- all of tremendous weight, lie scattered over a wide area. These weigh anything from 8, 10, 15, to 21 and 25 pounds, implements which only men of tremendous proportions could possibly have made and used. Estimates for the actual size of these men range from 10 to 12 feet tall and over, weighing from 500 to 600 lbs. A fossicker searching the Winburndale River north of Bathurst discovered a large quartzitised fossil human molar tooth, far too big for any normal modern man. A similar find was made near Dubbo, N.S.W."


Furthermore; the images of Medieval European Woodwose almost always portray these beings as possessing a large stick-like club, along with depictions of them snatching woman and children which is amazingly consistent with American legends;

"Giant Hand-Axe from Sheringham, Norfolk. An altogether remarkable and gigantic hand-axe, discovered embedded in the beach below Beeston Hill, Sheringham, by Mr. J. P. T. Burchell, has been figured and described by Mr. J. Reid Moir (Proc. Prehistoric Soc. East Anglia, 7, Pt. 3). The implement measures in its greatest length 15J inches, in greatest width 6J inches, in greatest thickness 5J inches. Its weight is approximately 14 lb. It was derived originally from the base of the Cromer Forest bed, which rests upon the surface of the chalk. The implementiferous bed runs in beneath the Forest Bed strata and the glacial deposits which form the cliff, some 200 ft. in height. The material of the axe is of flint, the colour of the flaked surfaces being jet black. The ridges and outstanding parts are abraded, and it is striated in places. There is a small area of the cortex remaining, which shows a ferruginous staining."


We know hominids used weapons & tools and had culture, have what is widely considered to be relic hominids in Sasquatch ever used weapons? I think it fascinating that there are so many references to archaeological finds that have accompanying legends to those respected areas being excavated, of hairy giant peoples.

Ron Morehead seems quite clear in stating that he felt that the limb breaks among his vocal exchanges in the Sierra's appeared to be a means of communication among themselves. But what if it were also a show of force (how big a limb they can use)? To me, there is nothing more awe inspiring than the mental image of a hairy giant dominating the thick forest terrain with a snapped tree limb in one of it's elongated arms' powerful hands.


  1. I look at that picture and I cringe at the thought of that thing hitting me in the head!

  2. Brilliant Joe,with all the evidence i can never understand why some people still don't believe.That stone on the right Squatchinluver would take someone very big and strong to use xx

  3. Simply Excellent Joe ! You are a major contributor with your vast knowledge !
