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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Squatchin, What Compels One To Do This?

  The forest itself is a mystery to most. Everyone knows deer, raccoon, opossum, bear, and the like live within most forests in the U.S., but some folks also know there is another large creature living there, Sasquatch. If you have had an encounter with one, or more of them, then you either want to have another, or you would be fine never seeing one again.
  I am one that wants to interact with them, and see more of them, hopefully up close. I find it exciting that these creatures, whom aren't even supposed to exist, do in fact dwell here among us.
  My fascination started as a young child, seeing TV shows featuring Bigfoot, and also documentaries. Some of the docs scared the hell outta me with their witness encounters! But I loved the idea of the mystery, and tried to watch and read all I could on the subject.
  When I was eleven, I had my first sighting, it was up on the side of a mountain about 3-400 yards away. It made a very loud scream/howl as my stepbrother and I were discussing our hunting plans for the morning. I believe it was a lookout perhaps, and its vocalization was a warning to others nearby, and likely a warning to us to leave, which we did post haste, never to return to that area.
  In 2008, after seeing the Rick Dyer hoax number one unfold, I decided to make a few Bigfoot comedy videos to poke fun at that situation. I didn't make anymore until 2012, with Finding Bigfoot being in its second season, I thought it might be fun to create the comedies again, as comic relief to the frustrations of researching these creatures. In my videos, we always found Bigfoot! Little did I know, but in October of '12, we had confirmation that Sasquatch were indeed in our woods, so began our research here in Eastern Oklahoma.
  We have documented some interesting things on our night investigations, as well as found some good evidence, such as tracks, and downed trees, that I feel show the creatures are here. The only thing lacking, is good clear video of one of them.
  So, that brings me to the title of this post, what does compel one to seek Bigfoot? It is hard as hell to get good footage of them, as they are excellent at concealing themselves in their environment, even in winter when the forest is easier to see through. For me, it is the thrill of the hunt, so to speak, for I believe one day we will be able to get footage of one. I know they do in fact exist, and want to share our findings with the world, which is why I upload them to You Tube. I know a lot of folks live in cities, and don't get to go to the woods, or may not even wish to, so I see it as a way to help them experience it from the comfort and safety of their home. And I just enjoy being in the woods, so to document in some small way, things about the Sasquatch, is a bonus. I also feel it would benefit science, providing solid proof they exist, not that I believe I will be the first to do so, for there are many folks researching Bigfoot, and a lot of them have a lot better equipment to do the job than I. But, I am happy to contribute to the fact of them being here in my area, for I am the only one doing it here, that I know of. Some folks do this for the recognition, and possibly money, that is okay with me, I have advertisements on my videos, to try to make some money as well, so I don't knock anyone doing that. It does take money and time to do this type of research, cameras and such aren't cheap!
  All in all, I believe most who do this are sorta like me, probably became familiar with the subject as a child, and now wish to search for them. Some for fun, some for fame, some just to prove to themselves they are real. I just hope that those viewing any videos, that aren't obvious hoaxes, do so with an open mind, for I can tell you they are real, but until you see, or hear them for yourself, why would you believe giant ape men are running around here in North America?

I am Christopher B Milton and if you would like to see some of my work, here is a video that will take you to my channel. Thank you for reading, watching, and subscribing! Git-R-Squatched!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome piece Chris!! So honored to have you on the the blog my friend!
