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Wednesday, April 23, 2014


No not the song by Kesha silly people! Timber is a customary term used when a person falls a tree and the tree is on it's way to the ground. I could probably google the term and write up a long boring post about where the term originated, etc, etc but I won't! This is a Bigfoot blog and I'm going to share a common sound that most Bigfoot researchers have heard when dealing with the Bigfoot. It is the sound of a tree falling over and hitting the ground. I myself have personally heard this twice. The first was a fairly large tree and made a loud crash when it hit the ground. The other was a smaller tree but still made a nice crash when it hit. But why is this Bigfoot related?? Why can't the wind just blow a tree down?? Let me explain.

My two experiences above came with other suspected Bigfoot behavior.These other behaviors included rocks being thrown in our direction. A couple of  times we would hear something and a tree limb would just be falling out of a tree, very close to us!....no wind at all! Some of the other activity included whistles,wood knocking, and thumps on the ground like something heavy stomping it's feet. Oh yeh, this is the same area that I have all of the pictures of the stick formations, and the same area that I found all of the small rodent skeletons,and the same area that I heard the "elephant" running through the woods, and the same area that I heard wood knocks in. So as you can see I'm not just blindly making assumptions that everything I see and hear is a Squatch. I put all of these pieces together and make an educated guess. I strongly feel that this is not just coincidental events but rather the result of Sasquatch behavior.

No one really knows why Squatch feel the need to push over trees. If I were to guess I would think they are trying to assert their dominance. I can only speak for my personal experiences, but like I said earlier when we experienced it, it was with other activity. Maybe that other activity was the first warnings to get moving. How much more of a statement can someone or something make than pushing a tree over. Maybe they are trying to get your attention away from the other members of their family unit. The activity for us was always from behind. We would always be facing downhill, coincidentally towards those huge rock formations that I mentioned in an earlier post. I have an inkling that they hang around those rocks during the day. Maybe the noise maker behind us wanted our attention diverted.

 It's anyone's guess why, but please listen to Stan Courtneys' recordings.  Researchers all over the country have experienced the same thing as I have. Are we all crazy??? Don't answer that! Happy Squatchin....


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